Frequently Asked Questions.

We offer products, solutions, and services across the entire energy value chain. We support our customers on their way to a more sustainable future.

Turns out, solar power is one of the most eco-friendly energy sources available today. Not only does it have a lower carbon footprint than traditional fossil fuels and does not emit harmful pollutants into the atmosphere, but it’s also the perfect excuse to tell your neighbors, “I’m not just saving the planet, I’m also saving money on my energy bill!”. Plus, solar power requires minimal land use and water consumption, and the manufacturing process has lower lifecycle emissions compared to fossil fuels. While there are some environmental impacts to consider, such as land use and wildlife disruption, the benefits of solar power, such as reduced carbon emissions and sustainable land use, far outweigh any negatives.

Well, if you’re looking to build your own solar panels, you might want to grab some silicon, aluminum, copper, and glass! These materials are essential for creating the photovoltaic cells that make up a solar panel. And fun fact, did you know that the silicon used in solar panels is the same stuff that makes up over a quarter of the Earth’s crust? So, in a way, when you use solar power, you’re harnessing the power of the Earth itself! How cool is that?
Ah, the age-old question: do solar panels make noise? Well, I hate to disappoint you, but the answer is nope, nada, zilch! In fact, solar panels are so quiet that they make a librarian sound like a rock concert! That’s because they generate electricity by converting sunlight into energy, rather than through any kind of mechanical movement or combustion. So, if you’re looking for a peaceful, noise-free way to power your home or business, solar power is definitely the way to go. Trust me, your ears (and your neighbors) will thank you!
Great question! Many people assume that solar panels only work when the sun is shining bright, but the truth is, solar panels can still generate electricity even on cloudy or snowy days. While the output may be slightly reduced compared to a clear, sunny day, solar panels are still able to convert sunlight into energy, no matter what the weather is like outside. So, if you’re worried about your solar panels being rendered useless by a few clouds or some snow, don’t be! They’ll keep chugging away, helping you save money and reduce your carbon footprint, even on the gloomiest of days.
Well, buckle up and grab some popcorn because we’re about to talk about the lifespan of a solar power system. You may be surprised to know that solar panels have a pretty impressive shelf life, lasting anywhere from 25 to 30 years (or longer if you take good care of them, like a pet rock or a houseplant). That’s right, your solar power system could potentially last longer than your favorite pair of shoes or your trusty old phone. Of course, the actual lifespan will depend on a variety of factors, like the quality of the materials, the installation, and maintenance,, but with proper care, your solar panels can keep cranking out clean, renewable energy for decades to come. So, sit back, relax, and let your solar power system do the heavy lifting (or should I say, the sunny lifting?) for years to come.
Well, installing a solar system on your roof is more affordable than ever thanks to various financing programs and a 30% federal tax credit. But let’s be real, is that really what we’re worried about here? What about the cost of our children’s health in the future if we don’t switch to clean energy? Investing in solar power now means investing in a cleaner and healthier future for generations to come. So, while the cost of solar panels may be a concern for some, the cost of not making the switch to renewable energy is much, much higher in the long run. Still worried about cost, huh? We offer $0 down, $0 upfront costs and we always make sure the numbers make sense.
  • Looking to finance your solar energy system? You’ve got options! There are three main ways to do it: outright cash purchases, financed purchase, or solar lease/power purchase
    agreements (PPA). If you’re like most folks and not in a position to pay cash, then zero upfront purchase financing or a solar lease may be a good fit for you. These financing
    options allow you to pay for your system over time with fixed monthly payments, often with lower interest rates than traditional loans.
  • Another option is a solar lease or PPA, where you don’t actually own the solar panels but instead pay a fixed monthly fee for the electricity they produce. This can be a good option
    for those who want to save on their energy bills but may not qualify for the federal tax credit for solar. At Suncovia, we will help you assess the costs and savings of each solar financing option based on your unique situation. 
Choosing between solar loans and solar leases is like choosing between avocado toast or a classic BLT – both have their merits, it just depends on your personal taste and financial situation. Solar loans offer the opportunity to own your system outright and reap the full benefits of solar power, while solar leases provide a no upfront cost and maintenance-free system. At Suncovia, we can help you find the perfect financing option to suit your individual needs, so you can enjoy the many benefits of solar power without breaking the bank
Absolutely! Not only will you save money on your energy bills, but solar panels can increase your home’s resale value by up to 4.1%. So not only will you be an eco-hero, but you’ll also be a financial hero to any potential buyers.
Well, for starters, do you really want to be up on your roof with a toolbox and a “DIY solar panel installation for Dummies” book? Working with a professional solar firm ensures that your system is properly designed, installed, and maintained for optimal performance and efficiency. Plus, a professional solar firm can help you navigate the complex world of solar incentives, permits, and regulations so you can sit back, relax, and let the experts do their thing. Trust me, your roof and your wallet will thank you.
Absolutely! Solar power can provide electricity for your entire home and offset 10%, 50%, or even 100% of your monthly electrical usage, as long as your solar energy system is appropriately sized for your energy needs. You can work with a solar professional to determine how many solar panels you need based on your household’s electricity consumption. Just make sure not to power your neighbor’s home, or you might end up with some uninvited guests!
Well, that depends on a few factors: the size of your home, your energy consumption, and the efficiency of the solar panels you choose. But as a rough estimate, a typical American home might need anywhere from 20 to 40 solar panels to power their home. Of course, if you’re living in a tiny house or a treehouse, you might only need a handful. On the other hand, if you’re living in a mansion with a private bowling alley and an Olympic-sized swimming pool, you might need enough solar panels to cover a football field. Of course, it’s always best to consult with our professional solar Guru’s to determine the specific number of panels needed for your home. They’ll be able to assess your home’s energy usage and recommend the best solar panel system to meet your needs.
While the installation of solar panels does require drilling holes into your roof, a reputable installer will take the necessary precautions to avoid any damage or leaks. In fact, many solar companies offer warranties to cover any damage that may occur during installation. And as for the roof collapsing, well, let’s just say that’s about as likely as a unicorn tap-dancing on your roof.
Absolutely! With the use of a solar battery backup system, you can store excess solar power generated during the day for use during times of low solar generation or at night. It’s like having your own personal energy reserve. Plus, you’ll be prepared for any power outages and won’t have to resort to lighting candles like it’s the 1800s.
Grid-tied solar systems are connected to the utility grid, which allows excess power to be sent back to the grid when your home’s energy needs are met. In contrast, off-grid solar systems are not connected to the utility grid and must rely on energy storage systems like batteries to provide power when the sun is not shining. While both systems generate power from solar panels, grid-tied systems are generally more common in urban areas where access to the grid is available, while off-grid systems are popular in rural or remote areas where connecting to the grid is not feasible. What do you call a solar panel that’s off the grid? A rebel cell! Haha, haha, ha…
Oh yes, they still do. But, it’s like getting a participation trophy in a race you’ve already won. Your electricity bills may still come, but they’ll be significantly reduced, like a bad haircut that’s grown out. Thanks to your solar panels, you’ll have the power to laugh at those pesky bills and redirect your savings towards more exciting things like a trip to the beach or a lifetime supply of ice cream. I know, we don’t like that answer either, but we are talking more often than not, your bill will equal $0- They may even owe you! It really depends on your utility company. Not to worry, we will make sure the numbers make sense and you’re fitted with the right system to fit your needs, even for those unexpected investments in the future!
Even if your electric bill isn’t as high as a kite, going solar can still make cents (pun intended)! With solar power, you can potentially save money on your monthly bills and make your wallet as happy as a sunflower in the summertime. Plus, you’ll be doing your part to help out our future generations by reducing your carbon footprint. So why not soak up the savings and shine on with solar power?
Well, if you’re moving to a new home and you’ve got solar panels installed, you’ve got a great bargaining chip! A study by the Department of Energy found that homes with solar panels installed sell for 20% more on average than homes without them. So, not only will you be able to sell your home for more, but you can also negotiate with buyers to include the solar panels in the sale. Plus, if you don’t want to take the panels with you, there are plenty of companies that will buy them back from you. So, don’t worry about your solar investment going to waste when you move!
Net metering is a system that allows homeowners with solar panels to send excess energy generated back to the grid and receive credits on their electricity bill. This means that if your solar panels produce more energy than you use, the excess energy can be sent back to the grid and credited against your future electricity bills. Net metering is a great way for homeowners to maximize the value of their solar panels and reduce their overall energy costs. It’s like getting paid to generate clean energy!
Well, if you’re thinking about going solar, you could always try to MacGyver your way through it with some duct tape and a dream. But why risk it when you could work with Suncovia Solar Solutions, the solar gurus with all the know-how and none of the cheese while having been in the game for 20 years, so we know our stuff. We’ll help you navigate the sometimes-confusing world of solar financing, installation, and maintenance, and we won’t bore you with any sales pitches involving solar-powered pet rocks. We’ll get your solar panels up and running in a jiffy, typically taking only 3 to 5 weeks. Plus, with Suncovia, you’ll get access to the latest and greatest solar technology, and we’ll even throw in some extra sunshine – because let’s be real, who couldn’t use a little more sunshine in their life?
While it’s true that solar technology is constantly improving, waiting for the next big thing might not be the brightest idea. Yes, solar panels are getting more powerful, like a superhero on a power-up spree. Five years ago panels were 300W, today they are 400W, and in five years they’ll be 500W. All that means is you’ll need 2 or 3 less panels than you would today, but that doesn’t mean you should wait until they’re as strong as the sun itself before you take the plunge. Sure, you might need fewer panels in the future, but who knows what other incentives and benefits might not be available by then? The time to start saving money with solar power is now, while the tax credit, low interest rates, and affordable prices are still shining bright like a solar-powered light bulb. So don’t wait around like a sloth on a branch, start enjoying the benefits of solar power today!
We understand that dealing with your HOA can be a bit of a sunburn, but we’re here to make the process as smooth as possible. We’ll work directly with your HOA, like a team of solar superheroes, to let them know about your solar power plans and complete any necessary paperwork. All we need is their name and number, and we’ll take care of the rest! If your HOA has recommendations about where to place your solar panels, we’ll do our best to accommodate them. However, please keep in mind that we also have to consider your system’s performance, and we reserve the right to reject any requests that might affect its efficiency. So let us handle the HOA headaches, and you can sit back and enjoy the benefits of solar power!
Hey, we totally get it – looks matter! But when it comes to saving money and doing our part to save the planet, shouldn’t we put aside our aesthetic preferences for a moment? After all, black is the new black – it never goes out of style! So don’t let the appearance of premium black solar panels stop you from embracing the power of solar energy. Think of it as a little black dress for your roof – simple, classic, and always in vogue. If it comes down to saving money vs. looks, which would be more important to you?
Great question about the tax credit and how it applies to you. If you’re like most people and have tax liability, then you should be eligible for the credit. And don’t worry about figuring it all out on your own – just tell your CPA that you’ve gone solar and they’ll know exactly what to do come tax time. It’s one form that needs to be filled out and submitted with your proof of purchase – easy peasy! But what if you don’t have tax liability? No problem! We have a special solar program designed just for you, so that you can still take advantage of the tax credit and save money. And if you’re concerned about having a low tax liability, remember that the tax credit rolls over year to year, so you can claim it over and over until you receive the full amount. So don’t let any tax-related worries hold you back from embracing the power of solar energy and enjoying the long-term financial and environmental benefits!
  • Sure, we understand that 25 years can sound like a long time. But let us ask you a question: when does your contract with the electric company end? If you’re like most people, you probably don’t know – and that’s because you don’t really have a contract. Instead, you’re stuck renting your electricity from the utility company, with no control over the ever-increasing rates they charge. But here’s the good news: by going solar, you can finally cut the cord and take control of your energy costs. With solar, you’re not just renting electricity – you’re investing in your own power source and reaping the benefits for years to come. Here are just a few of the many benefits of solar:
  • Lower electricity bills: By generating your own electricity from the sun, you can significantly reduce or even eliminate your monthly electricity bills. 
  •  Increased home value: Solar panels can add value to your home, making it more attractive to buyers if you ever decide to sell.
  • Environmental benefits: By using clean, renewable energy from the sun, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future. (Think about the kiddos!) So when it comes down to it, you have a choice: keep renting from the utility company and watching your rates go up, or invest in your own solar power system and startenjoying the many benefits that come with it. Either way, you’re going to be paying for your power – but with solar, you’ll finally be getting a return on your investment